Mariana's Answers
-What I look for when deciding upon a college to pursue my degree it is for a school with a lot of math, engineering, mathematics, and also a little bit of fashion designing and art and definitly with a lot of soccer.

-Proximity to my home does matter  because I want to be near my parents, my sisters, my dog, and my friends. But I also want to go to a university where I am happy and doing what I like the best and, I  already have some ideas that are only a few minutes away from where I live.

- My college stands out from the rest because it accepts a variety of students from different places and  includes a lot of sports.

- I am planning to join the Student Council Club because I am in it now and I am the 6th grade Vice President and it is very fun and exciting and I also plan to join the school soccer team because I love soccer and it is of my all time favorite things to play.

Kassandra's Answers
-What I would look for in a college is if they have performing arts because I like to dance so that's the type of college I would want to go to.

-Proximity to my home does matter because I want to be close to my family and I don't want to live far away from them because I care about them very much.

-My college stands out because many famous people graduated from there like Jamie Foxx, William Hurt.

-In Juilliard I would like to join the student council and help with the Halloween Bash, Chill Out Week, and many other things.

Genesis' Answers
-When I look for a college, I  look at the degrees, clubs and organizations. I want a college that has degrees on what I love to do. For example, I would like to go to a college that provides degrees for acting, singing, art, modeling and writing.

-Yes, proximity does matter. I want to go to a college, that is close to my home. I want to be able to visit my mother at least once a week. I want to be there when my mom needs me.

- Here are some reasons students choose to go to NSU.
  • You can get one-to-one access to professors because of its small class sizes.
  • A vibrant campus life includes NCAA Athletics, social and professional organizations, cultural activities, and wellness and fitness. 
  • There are no teaching assistants, only highly credentialed professors teach classes. 
  • They include the latest classroom technology, advanced laboratories, and the best research libraries.
  • Undergraduate students participate in NSU research in fields like medicine, oceanography, cancer, psychology, dentistry and autism.
  • Their beautiful main campus is just minutes from Fort Lauderdale’s beach, South Beach, Las Olas nightlife and the Everglades.

- I plan to join the Student Government and help plan all the activities the college has to provide. I love helping out, getting involved in all activities and I have great ideas.


The guy you know from somewhere
11/18/2013 10:02:45 am

You guys did this website really well. And I loved the pages, awesome job.


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    -What do you look for when deciding upon a college to pursue your degree?
    -Does proximity to your home matter? why or why not?
    -What makes this college stand out from the rest?
    -Which club/organization am I planning to join? Why?